Windows Support Center
James A. Eshelman, Proprietor & Webmaster

Policies, Personalities & Occasional Curiosities


The Windows Support Center web site is wholly and privately owned and produced by me, James A. Eshelman. (MS-MVPs Alex Nichol and Gary Woodruff have contributed original writings which are credited to them.) My address is provided in standard WhoIs directories but there is no public access at that location, and personal privacy is requested. Site visitors may contact me here. My genealogy is viewable here.

Our official purpose: To provide quality support information for users of Microsoft operating systems and leading Microsoft application software. Our secret agenda: To help individuals become stronger in their own lives, by encouraging community wherein those who need help can ask, those who have help to give will offer it, and these roles reverse from time to time.

What does “aumha” mean? The name of this domain consists of the two Sanskrit words, aum ha, the first and last letters of the (devanagari) Sanskrit alphabet — thus equivalent to the Greek “Alpha and Omega,“ the beginning and end and, implicitly, the eternity that passes between. The first, aum, most often written in English as Om, is a sacred syllable representing the course of breath and the life-cycle — creation, preservation, destruction — “a symbol both of the Personal God and of the Absolute” (Swami Vivekananda). It is “at once an invocation, a benediction, an affirmation, and a promise” (G.A. Barborka). Ha is an expulsion of breath and a word for the Sun. As a pun, it is also the Hebrew word for “behold,” etc. One translation of the phrase aum ha, therefore, might be, “Alpha & Omega, The Sempiternal Sun.” As you can see, this has nothing at all to do with computers (or, possibly, has everything to do with computers). It is a mantra that, for about 25 years, has had deep personal meaning for me.


The Windows Support Center accepts no advertising. Recommendations of any products are solely the personal recommendations of the individual writers, not paid endorsements. I employ various free services from time to time to enhance the site (such as search engine software), and generally credit the provider of the free service. The Windows Support Center has no formal affiliation with any other company; for example, it has no sponsorship by Microsoft (though they like it a lot!).


The Windows Support Center is not engaged in consumer transactions. There is no charge for any of its information or services.

Individuals wishing to make monetary donations — whether as an act of support, an appreciation, or simply a gift — may do so here, and have my thanks in advance.


I try not to make mistakes. Usually I succeed. The rest of the time, I fix my stupid blunders as quickly as I can (hopefully before anyone notices). Contributors to the Windows Support Center diligently seek to correct false or misleading information. Web pages are updated frequently, with the date of the most recent update listed on the page. Some pages have an opt-in feature at the top allowing you to receive email notification when that page is updated.


I am a rabid maniac in support of privacy! (Yours as well as my own.) I do not and will not give, sell, rent, lease, lend, barter, trade, swap, share, disclose, reveal, impart, broadcast, or whisper your email address to anyone. In most situations, nothing on this site gives me your email address. If you subscribe to The E-List News, register with the AumHa Forum, or send me an email, I will have access to your email address, but nobody else will. And nobody will get it from me. Ever. Period.

(Identified moderators on AumHa Forum may be provided by me with a forum participant’s email addresses for specific administrative duties. They do not have access to the data base where these are stored.)

Cookies are used no place on this site except in the Forums. A cookie is set in the Forum if you log in and check the box requesting to be automatically logged in on successive visits. To disable the cookie, log out of the Forum before you leave it (though, for best benefit to you, I recommend you leave the cookie set for later visits). No other tracking information is obtained from you.


I don’t do link trades per se. That is, no link is listed on this site simply in exchange for someone else linking to my site. I vouch for every link I list on this site at the time I list it. If you believe there is a quality technical resource link that should be listed on my site, please feel free to suggest it. If you want to add a link to my site (or one/some of its pages) on your site, please do — I appreciate it! But I don’t trade one for the other.


All information given on all parts of the Windows Support Center Web site, is probably wrong. All content is provided only for entertainment purposes. I cannot guarantee, and do not guarantee, that any information provided here will work on any computer system for any user at any time. Worse yet, I sometimes make mistakes (that’s life!), and it is possibly I made one or more of them here. All information herein is offered as-is and without warranty of any kind. You take your life in your own hands if you trust me on any of it. Bad things may happen to you, and you have only yourself to blame. Neither James Eshelman, this site, outside contributors to this site, people quoted on this site, nor my cat Ares is/are responsible for any loss, injury, or damage, direct or consequential, resulting from application of any information presented here.

(I support Consumer WebWatch Guidelines.)

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