Updated May 7, 2009
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Use the Support Site Types navigation bar at the left of this page to find the type of specialty site you are seeking. If you do not see this navigation bar to the left, you came in through an alternate door. Click
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There are many valuable newsgroups on the server, on nearly every available topic. Below are some of the most useful. (You may want to read the Rules of Conduct for these newsgroups to get a better idea about how they are conducted.)
See my catalogue of all Microsoft peer-to-peer newsgroups. Clicking the links will automatically create the necessary account configuration in Outlook Express. Also see Microsoft’s newsgroup portal sorted by topic.
For some great tips on how to write the best newsgroup post — to help those who would help you find answers! — please first read the DTS-L
GoodPosts page or my article on Troubleshooting Windows.
I strongly encourage you to visit the newsgroups with a newsreader such as Outlook Express or Windows Mail, instead of using Microsoft’s alternate web interface. Generally, people seeking help are better able to find answers posted to their questions, and generally better navigate the newsgroup, using a newsreader than the web-based interface. Microsoft agrees. The links below will automatically launch OE or Windows Mail and take you to the correct newsgroup.

MVP Web Sites listed below are
primarily by Desktop Systems (DTS) MVPs, past and present. Other MVP sites are scattered throughout the page, according to special interests. The Support Site Types navigation bar at the left of this page may be useful in finding the type of specialty site you are seeking. (If you do not see this navigation bar to the left, you came in through an alternate door. Click
here to reload this page.) For a list of all Microsoft MVPs for the current award year, click
MVP Web Sites
Karl Peterson has collated many more MS-MVP web sites than I have here. A real treasury!
MVP Tips & FAQs
Carl Prothman has collated dozens of FAQs and Tips/Tricks pages by MS-MVP, covering dozens of subject areas. Check it out!
Desktop System (DTS-L) A pooling of international expertise by
Desktop Systems (DTS) MVPs past and present. (Also pictures, for the morbidly curious!) A great place to
start if you are new to using online support, and some nice resources for veterans.
- George AKER SG’s Web Site Excellent FAQs for Win98 & ME. Device
driver links. Includes How to Restart Windows Millennium Into Win98
DOS Mode ― Win ME doesn’t have a “restart in DOS Mode” option, but this technique (by MS-MVPs
George Aker, Alex Nichol & Ron Badour) gives a way to have it!
- Svetlana BELACOV & Julian PERIS Troubleshooting
KERNEL32 errors, Office XP Setup FAQ, Windows Fatal Exception Errors, Word 2002 & more.
- Mike BURGESS Troubleshooting Guide to Windows XP
- Bindar DUNDAT Practically Nerded Windows versions 98 through Windows 7,
Internet Explorer, Windows Update issues, IE/OE, more.
- Linda EPSTEIN Another of the growing number of TabletPC
sites recently emerging
- James M. FISHER Resources for resolving Windows and PC-related problems.
Sandi’s Site IE/OE Frequently Asked Questions. This is probably the best site around for how NOT to screw up Internet Explorer and Outlook Express!
— and how to fix them if you do!)
- Richard G. HARPER Richard G. Harper’s Page Windows support...
and more!... from one of the smartest hands-on Windows techs I know. Among other content, see his packed essay on malware,
Think you’ve got an infection?.
- Jon HILDRUM Jon Hildrum’s Page Tips on Win95, Win98, Win NT,
Win 2000 and more
- Bill JAMES Windows 9x VBScript Tools
- Jupiter JONES Dan-De-Mar with Jupiter Jones Windows Update,
security, Windows reinstall/repair, and other valuable Win XP info.
Technical Resources SQL scripts, NT command scripts, Visual FoxPro and much more
- Bert KINNEY How to Use System Restore
The most extensive site on Windows System Restore available.
- Doug KNOX Doug’s Windows Tweaks & Tips
- Tom KOCH Tomsterdam: Selected Articles for Outlook
Express & Internet Explorer On IE & OE, Tom’s da man! Tom#&8217;s general site links to special subsections
Inside Outlook Express, Inside WinMail,
and I use Vista.
- Patty MacDUFFIE Computer Haven Subtitled, “Your friendly place to learn.” In particular, see the
Computer Haven Forums.
- Harry OHRN New Life For Windows
- Jim PICKERING Outlook Express Tips
Covers OE, Hotmail & Address Book.
- Chris QUIRKE A Windows 9X Site
(not your usual “general Windows support site” — I recommend you check it out for a number
of wonderful, unpretentious articles to address the insanity of owning & using a computer).
See also Chris Quirke’s Blog
- Rick ROGERS Nutcase’s Home Practical Windows 98 & XP support honed
from years of trenches-honed experience.
Windows XP Resource Center Tips & solutions on some of the most common Win XP problems.
- Michael SANTOVEC
Using Telnet with a POP3 Mail Server
- Glyn SIMPSON Microsoft Money Help & Information Pages
- Michael SOLOMON The CyberSpace
Not a newsletter, but a column in the e-magazine the Skateboard.
Numerous past columns are also available, loaded with good information and good counsel.
Windows XP Utilities, Fixes & Tweaks Just what the title says! A couple dozen Win XP articles and valuable downloads,
plus a section on Internet Explorer tips.
- Michael STEVENS Loaded with helpful links plus special pages on BIOS tips, hardware manufacturers, Win XP repair installation,
shareware sites & more
- Mark STOTZER Windows, DOS & Mac Help
Tips & links for maintaining or troubleshooting your computer — including the Mac.
- Terri STRATTON Mobile PC World
The hottest site on one of the hottest innovations to come along in years! (Terri has a new
Mobile PC World site forthcoming.
- Kelly THERIOT Kelly’s Korner
This is one loaded site! One of the best resources on the web for Windows troubleshooting tips and Cajun humor — two things that obviously belong together!
- Harry WALDRON Harry Waldron’s Blog By a leading Windows Security MVP. Keep up to date on
important security news as it breaks.
- Steve WINOGRAD Steve Winograd’s
Networking FAQ By one of the top networking experts among the MVPs
- Mikhail ZHILIN Windows Tips in Russian
- A Windows 9X Site by Chris Quirke
(not your usual “general Windows support site” — I recommend you check it out for a number
of wonderful, unpretentious articles to address the insanity of owning & using a computer)
- Previously Win95 Annoyances & Win98 Annoyances
- AV Mechanic Free, friendly computer support forum, claiming “we can fix problems with Windows,
hardware, spyware, and much more”. Additionally, the site includes several well-written small articles on maintaining Windows, purchasing hardware, and
increasing security.
- Bob Cerelli’s Windows Page by Bob Cerelli (tips & tricks for Win95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista & Win7)
- by James Scott
- Free online hardware & software help community
- Dan-De-Mar with Jupiter Jones by MS-MVP Jupiter Jones. Windows Update,
security, Windows reinstall/repair, and other valuable Win XP info.
- Doug’s Windows Tweaks & Tips by MS-MVP Doug Knox
- Fermu’s Website A Spanish language Windows support site
- Jon Hildrum’s Page by MS-MVP Jon Hildrum
(tips on Win95, Win98, Win NT, Win 2000 and more)
- by MS-MVP James M. Fisher (Resources for resolving Windows and PC-related problems.)
- Kelly’s Korner by MS-MVP Kelly Theriot
(This is one loaded site! One of the best resources on the web for Windows troubleshooting tips and
Cajun humor — two things that obviously belong together!)
- (Multimedia tutorials for learning networking.)
- Links to Technical Articles by Kayode Okeyode
(A wonderful collection of links and information resources for Win ME, Win XP, IE, OE, and Office.)
- MalekTips Tips for tweaking all Windows versions, including
security, customization, Internet Explorer, Remote Desktop Connection, and multimedia. By Andrew Malek.
- Mark Salloway’s Windows XP Resource Center Tips & solutions on
some of the most common Win XP problems by MS-MVP Mark Salloway.
- New Life For Windows by MS-MVP Harry Ohrn
- Nutcase’s Home Some of the best online tips from MS-MVP Rick (“Nutcase”) Rogers.
- Richard G. Harper’s Page Windows support...
and more!... from one of the smartest hands-on Windows techs I know. Important content includes his packed essay on malware,
Think you’ve got an infection?.
- SG’s Web Site by MS-MVP George Aker, Win98 & Win ME FAQs.
- Windows, DOS & Mac Help by MS-MVP Mark Stotzer
(Tips & links for maintaining or troubleshooting your computer — including the Mac.)
- Windows Guide Network Technical resources & support to tweak, manage
& secure Windows. Specialty pages on the Registry, security, scripting, drivers, & software
- Windows Tips in Russian by MS-MVP Mikhail Zhilin
- Windows XP Tuneup Tips, tricks, secrets & tuneup utilities for Windows XP.
- Windows XP Utilities, Fixes & Tweaks by MS-MVP Ramesh Srinivasan.
Just what the title says! A couple dozen Win XP articles and valuable downloads, plus a section on Internet Explorer tips.
- Wiondows Networking
J. Helmig. Possibly the first place to start for information on networking in Win 9x, 2000, and XP.
Hardware Drivers
BIOS Resources
Beep Codes
Misc. Hardware Sites
- Access Web
An MS Access FAQ with loads of specialty articles, maintained by MS-MVP Dev Ashish, with contributions by leading Access MVPs and others
- Excel by MS-MVP David McRitchie
- Microsoft Project by MS-MVP Jack Dalghren (Links to info on how to get the most out of Project, including Project 2002)
- Microsoft Publisher Lounge
by MS-MVP Brian Kvalheim (FAQs, KB article listings, downloads & links, tips & tricks — all on Publisher)
- Microsoft Word MVP FAQ Site
Helpful, educational articles on MS Word by the MVPs that support it.
- Office Tips by MS-MVP Shyam Pillai (general tips but, especially, application of VBA to extend or add functionality)
- Serenity Macros by past MS-MVP David Candy. Dozens of tips, tweaks, and solutions for Windows and Word
- SiteBuilder by MS-MVP David Berry (FrontPage tutorials & helpful stuff)
- The Spreadsheet Page by MS-MVP John Walkenbach (Excel, 1-2-3, & more)
- by MS-MVP Bill Coan (hints for Word productivity optimization)
- Works4Us by MS-MVP Kevin James (How to work Microsoft Works)
- Moving With You: Windows Vista for Mobile PCs Microsoft’s main site for the Tablet PC.
- Mobile PC World by MS-MVP Terri Stratton. One of the first Tablet PC sites, and still the best!
A hot site on one of the hottest innovations to come along in years.
- by MS-MVP Linda Epstein. Another excellent Tablet PC sites, loaded with great information.
- AumHa Tablet PC Forum Post any of your questions about Tablet PCs
to the free support forum here at the Windows Support Center.
- Brad’s VB-32 Programs & Samples
by MS-MVP Brad Martinez (Freeware programs & code samples for intermediate & advanced VB programmers)
- Office Tips by MS-MVP Shyam Pillai (application of VBA to extend or add Office functionality; includes tutorials)
- Shrinkwrap Visual Basic by MS-MVP Ray Mercer
- vbVision
by MS-MVP Bryan Stafford (code samples, tips, tricks and other neat stuff for the VB developer)
- Windows 9x VBScript Tools, by MS-MVP Bill James
- This is one of the easiest ways to get a quality boot disk for Windows, DOS, and more.
The files you download are executables that write the boot disk for you — don’t copy them straight to the floppy. Instead, download the program to
your desktop and then run it.
- CNET This used to be the very popular A great freeware/shareware site.
Download any DLL file for any Windows version, and many DRV (driver) and OCX (OLE Custom Constrol) files. Caveat: It has a few pop-up ads and other annoyances.
- eBook Catalogue Download eBooks for Microsoft Reader. Dozens of categories of books, and plenty of free stuff!
- FILExt.COM by Tom Simondi. What does a particular .XXX file extension mean?
What program should launch it? Check here!
- Janee’s PhotoShop Tutorials
by Janee Aronoff. A great collection of PhotoShop tutorials, online classes, an active support forum, and other resource from the Graphics Goddess.
- Practically Networked
A diverse grab-bag of network-related articles and information.
- Looking for that old version of your favorite downloads? There’s
a good chance you’ll find it here. (I’m not endorsing all the software here — some of which always came with its own
adware or other problems! — but happily endorse the service.)
- Ted’s Tech Site
by Ted J. Mieske. I put it under “Miscellaneous” because it covers too many topics to go anywhere else!
Windows, Novell, DOS, general technical support, a great section on “Handy Tools,” antivirus issues, and more.
- Virus Hoax: Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java (Jdbgmgr.exe)
Is Not a Virus (KB 322993) Explains the Dreaded Teddy Bear virus hoax — plus how to recover the deleted file!
- What Is? Computer definitions
- Windows Media Player Mini-FAQ
Author Zach knows more about Media Player than most people on the planet. Probably the definitive WME page.